Aunt Millie's Hamburger Buns, Honey, Stadium

130 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 200 mg sodium (9% DV); 4 g sugars. Johnsonville Family owned since 1945. Any way you stuff it. A great bun all around! What could be better than a grilled Johnsonville burger or brat with all your favorite toppings? Nothing especially when it's served on the right bun! Johnsonville stadium buns, from the bakers at Aunt Millies, are the perfect buns for the job. I have finally found a bun that complements the delicious taste of our meats! Ralph Stayer, Owner - Johnsonville sausage. Family owned since 1901. Quality guarantee. Join the Aunt Millie’s club for coupons and recipes at School Spirit. This bag may not be recyclable in your area.